

Be My Eyes app

大小:84.3M语言:简体 类别:生活软件系统:IOS
版本:v3.9.9时间:2024-09-03 12:26:16

标签: Be My Eyes生活


  Be My Eyes app是一款帮盲人看见世界的掌上应用。Be My Eyes app用法非常简单,你一学就会,并且不会耽搁你太多时间,Be My Eyes app旨在有效帮助视觉上有障碍的人们克服生活中遇到的困难。



  除了下载应用成为志愿者外,Be My Eyes还需要多种多样的支持与帮助,如为开发团队提供翻译服务,帮助他们将该款应用译成更多文字的版本。通过在不同的国家吸引志愿者,满足使用不同语言的视障人士需求。


  通过实时视频链接将你的视力借给盲人和低视力人群,或者通过全球志愿者网络获取帮助。 Be My Eyes(成为我的眼睛)将盲人和低视力用户与能帮助他们完成一系列任务的有视力的志愿者或者公司代表联系起来。

  盲人或视力受损的用户可以请求志愿者的帮助。志愿者们将在手机上收到通知。 一旦有志愿者第一时间接受了帮助请求,就会在双方之间建立实时音视频连接。 通过盲人或低视力用户的后置摄像头,志愿者可以看到用户需要帮助的物品,并提供他或她需要的视觉描述。

  作为盲人或低视力用户,您可以在全球任何地方的任何时间通过 Be My Eyes 以超过180种语言请求援助。 Be My Eyes 将您连接到一位有视力的志愿者,他会讲您的语言,并可以帮助您处理简单的事情,例如检查过期日期,以及导航或寻找丢失物品等更复杂的情况。

  借助专门的帮助功能,如果您对任何产品或服务存在问题,您都可以直接从我们的合作伙伴公司获得帮助。 只需点击专门帮助选项,并从菜单中选择一家公司,通过Be My Eyes进行呼叫。 您将通过实时视频连接直接连接到公司代表。

  作为有正常视力的志愿者,当盲人或低视力用户需要一些帮助时,您会收到通知。 第一个应答请求的志愿者将被连接到盲人或低视力用户,所以如果你不能接听电话,不用担心,另一位志愿者会替代。 Be My Eyes 仅仅只需要花您几分钟的时间,和您的任何其他安排都不会冲突,但是对于另一个人来说可能会带来很大改变。

  - 双方之间的实时音频-视频连接

  - 90%的电话会在30秒内被应答

  - 请在设置中添加您使用的语



更新日志v3.9.9- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Translated into even more languages

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.9.8- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.9.7- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.9.6- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.9.5- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.9.4- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.8.9- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.v3.8.6- Minor bug fixes and improvements

We release updates regularly and we're always looking for ways to make things better. If something is not working, if you have a great idea, or if you just want to say hello, then email us at info@bemyeyes.com, we would love to hear from you!

Be My Eyes will not prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.

